Brand Story

The Benefits of
Korean Sea Salt,

Salt + Therapy

Saltwater, sunlight, breeze, and 25 days of patience create salt particles. The water from the salt pond evaporates to create these particles. And the salt makers call them ‘salt crystals.’

Obtaining the purest and cleanest salt crystals rich in minerals requires the effort of numerous people, a long wait, and help from above. Sea salt, the fruit of consistent effort, helps our skin to discharge accumulated waste through osmosis. The abundant minerals in the sea salt replenish essential nutrients and cleanse your skin through its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

For your white moment

Salt is white as snow.
It cleanses the fatigue of not just your body but your exhausted soul
We sincerely hope our salt brings you a moment of relaxation in quietness and a time to soothe yourself in a busy day.

Sea - Salt - Sea

Good salt is a gift from the clean ocean.
SalTherapy is doing our utmost to reduce the use of plastic, select a material without microplastic components, and improve recycling to protect the ocean and mudflat where sea salt is created.

We believe such small steps will contribute to the environment and sustainable life.

Korea Sea Salt
and salTherapy

Did you know that Korean sea salt is on the verge of extinction despite being so close to us?
The sea ponds in the western sea of Korea, the officially designated UNESCO Natural Heritage Site since 2021, are disappearing at a fast pace due to solar developments.
Korean sea salt is one of the highest quality salts in the world, with exceptional mineral content higher than the Sel de Guerande in France. To preserve the value and traditions of Korean salt ponds and promote its excellence, we, SalTherapy, are developing salt-based body care products that are good for the skin. We promise to continue our effort to protect both your skin and the Korean sea salt.

- Team salTherapy -



